Metal Powder Injection Molding Industry

Metal Powder Injection Molding Industry

The metal powder injection molding (MIM) industry is vital in the manufacturing industry, especially in the manufacture of metal parts with complex geometries. The MIM process involves mixing metal powder with a binder to form a raw material, which is then injected into a mold using specialized heat treatment equipment. After injection, the binder is removed through a degreasing process, and the resulting green parts are sintered in a high-temperature furnace to produce metal parts.

The furnace plays a vital role in the MIM process and is the key equipment for sintering. During the sintering process, the green part is heated to a temperature where the metal particles fuse together, forming a dense, solid metal part. Precise control of temperature and atmosphere conditions in the furnace is critical to achieve uniform sintering and ensure the required mechanical properties of the final part.

Metal powder injection molding process

  • 1

    Raw material mixing

    (binder and metal powder are mixed to make raw materials).

  • 2


    (the green part formed by metal injection molding needs to remove the binder).

  • 3


    (this is the first step of the debinding process ) The process of heat treating metal injection molded (MIM) parts.

  • 4

    Finished MIM Parts

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