
Brother Furnace Exports Custom Vertical Tube Furnace to Canada

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On November 25, 2023, a Canadian university laboratory purchased a customized vertical tube furnace from Brother Furnace. This tube furnace is a very special customized model. Factory workers use high-standard craftsmanship to make it according to the customer's requirements. Next, I will briefly introduce this customer’s information.


Requirements of Customized Vertical Tube Furnace

The teacher in the laboratory contacted the sales manager of our company on December 1 and needed a vertical tube furnace with an operating temperature of 1200 degrees and a diameter of 100*450mm. The material workpiece that the customer needs to process is in the form of a block, which needs to be melted at a high temperature of 900-950 degrees before being collected. Therefore, we all agree that it is more appropriate to use a vertical tube furnace. After the block material is put in, because the inside of the quartz tube It has chamfers and cannot fall off. When the customer heats it to the melting point of the material, the material slowly turns into liquid and flows out from under the chamfer so that the customer can collect it with a mold.


Customer Feedback and Repurchase

After receiving the vertical tube furnace on December 15th, the customer told us that it was very good to use and fully met their requirements for the craftsmanship. So within a week, he placed a second order from Brother Furnace, which is a new one. One size larger vertical tube furnace. During the design of the second order, the customer mentioned that when the first order was used, the pipe could not be plugged at the top, and the temperature at the top was relatively high, which would easily consume the sealing ring of the furnace tube support frame. We first designed the water-cooled flange mounting bracket sealing ring, and later tested it ourselves. It was discovered that the water cooling effect was not good because the support frame was too small, so the furnace tube support was raised to improve it.


In its 15 years of experience in manufacturing furnace, Brother Furnace has provided customized furnace for different industries in different countries around the world. No matter what industry you are in, if you need to process any materials and need heat treatment equipment, please contact us. We will provide you with high-standard customization and technical consulting services.

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